The Wizard101 Test Realm. You can play in it, but beware of scammers, beggars, and spammers! There's nothing worse than getting bombarded with these annoying requests.
Check this video out for a tutorial on how to play in the test realm in Wizard101 (10/04/09). Recently they opened up the Test Realm. Wizards are able to try and test new features before they go LIVE. But there is a major concern with the new features being released. Instead of Wizards testing out the test realm, they are spamming, scamming and begging for Mounts and Free gifts! They choose to stand there and beg wizards for in-game items. They will do anything to try to get free items! Let's remind ourselves, in the test realm, the game gives you free 20,000 crowns to use and whatever you do on the test realm does not carry over to the live realm. Can you imagine if gifting goes LIVE? Watch this video and you will see ONLY a short example of what is going on in the test realm.
Get the inside scoop on Wizard101 hacks, cheats, tricks, tips, and walkthroughs! Wizard101 is brought to you by KingsIsle Entertainment. You can't be a wizard if you don't play. Show of your awesome wizardry skills on all of the magical worlds!
Description of the game from Wizard101:
"Wizard101 is an online, multiplayer, Wizard school adventure game with collectible card magic, wizard duels, and far off worlds! The game allows players to create a student Wizard in an attempt to save Wizard City and explore many different worlds."
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