How To Make your Mobsters2 Avatar Invisible.
Open Firefox.
Down load Addon Live Https,
Re-Start Firefox,
Log-in to your toon go to profile Avatar editor,
Go to tool's, live Https,
Uncheck the box at the bottom, click clear then re-check the box,
at the bottom (Don't Close),
Go to your Avatar and click save, go back to the Live Https and scroll to
the top, now scroll down till you see (Get and save avatar ) right above that copy the link,
Now open a new tab and paste it (Don't hit Enter) Scroll in the link and
look for where it say's skin-tone,
Delete the number and the & after it (EXAMPLE) 8004& delete these
Hit enter and go back to your M2 page and hit F5,
At the Avatar editor gear-up and save it.
- When you delete the number its only 8004& or a number like it depending on how your avatar is set up if it doesn't work the first time try again from the live https and repost in new tab.
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