If building an underground fortress/tunnel system in Minecraft is one of the strategies that you're undertaking, going back up top side to grab wood is a big pain. Wouldn't it be great if you could harvest wood underground!? Well, in this video, you will learn how and it's only a two step process:
Step 1. Reagents
You will need about ten Dirt
You will need a tree-planter (you can get it by chopping the leaves from a tree)
You will need a mining-pickaxe of course. (doesn't care what type)
Step 2. What To Do
First get enough space for the tree, about even high as you can dig upwards.
Then you will need to place the dig at the ground, or it can't grow!! (important)
To know if it works, you will need to look at it about ten seconds and if the tree-planter doesn't pop-out of the floor it works!
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