Web Games: News

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Offensive Combat on Facebook

5-Year-Old Video Game Designer Friggin' Loves Ponycorns

The days of having to pay for video games are over. Generally, retail games are better because they're made with more effort and care than their free counterparts. But free browser-based game sites are insanely popular, specifically Kongregate, Armor Games, and the grandaddy of them all—NewGrounds. Despite not receiving funds directly from the players, they've become a profitable niche in the games industry. And that popularity has attracted more talent and money to the production of web games,...

Real-time strategy (RTS) was the most popular genre in PC games at one time. It put Blizzard on the map—one of the biggest game developers in the world. And it buried the once venerable turn-based strategy genre, the only survivor being the Civilization series. But like hair metal in the late '80s, RTS reached its saturation point. Many bands (games) were too similar and used ornamentation over innovation. Suddenly, the fans left. From '95 to '03, Command & Conquer releases were more like new...

This week, we take a break from the holidays and focus on one of our favorite pastimes: video games. With new releases, hacks, and Easter eggs coming out every day, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the choices available. Never fear: we're here to help you sort out the wheat from the chaff.

I know we have our fair share of FarmVille junkies here at WonderHowTo, but none insane enough to shake a baby to death for interrupting their game (um, I hope). Grisly story:

...a FarmVille addict, that is.

WonderHowTo World, LoadSave points us to great resource courtesy of Mashable:

Video game ranking site VGChartz reports that Mike Leyde, a 56-year old steel contractor from Riverside, California, has broken Bejeweled 2's scoreboard with a score of 2,147,783,647.

Take some tips from the masters themselves. Kotaku interviews game developer Zynga, "who has generously offered to help, by sharing FarmVille strategy tips on how to make the most of your land, your crops, and your livestock".

FarmVille brings out the inner Picasso. Check out this collection of work by different FarmVille arteests.